Location stand-up paddle - Lac de Saint-Pardoux Enjoy Lac de Saint-Pardoux on the water with the water sports and outdoor center. Stand-up paddle rental for children aged 6 and over with a guide. Co... Compreignac
From 6 € Full-fare Montrol-Sénard, parcours "Nostalgie Rurale" Montrol-Sénard is a real Limousin village in the Monts de Blond that evokes the rural life of the early 20th century in authentic surroundings: - the... Montrol-Sénard
Porcelaines d'Art Dominique Courivaud Dominique Courivaud invites you to discover the world of porcelain craftsmanship, an emblematic skill of Limoges and the Limousin region. He will expl... Saint-Pardoux-le-Lac
Les Trésors de la Forge Franck Le Teun designs, renovates and creates wrought-iron works such as railings, balconies, gates, banisters, candelabras, andirons, pedestal tables... Arnac-la-Poste
Etang privé de Las-Croux 5-hectare pond. Types of fish: carp, tench, roach, perch, pike and trout in early season. Authorized fishing techniques: angling only. Fishing with so... Cromac
Dolmen de la Betoulle Dating from between the Neolithic and Bronze Ages, it is the best preserved of the original four. It has been listed as a Historic Monument since 1982... Breuilaufa
Cuir Les peaux d'Anne Anne Lise designs unique leather objects. Online store. Meet her at local festive markets to discover her world! Saint-Léger-la-Montagne
Lavoir couvert Built in 1931 in the traditional Limousin masonry style. The washerwomen used to go there to wash their clothes, using their beater. This space was an... Bessines-sur-Gartempe
Magn'Accueil Magn'accueil propose diverses animations, ateliers et expositions ouverts à tous, d'ici ou d'ailleurs, petits et grands, tout au long de l'année. Il... Magnac-Laval
Atelier de peinture Annick C. The countryside, the ocean, the elements and nature are all sources of inspiration for Annick, who welcomes you to her studio to share her passion for... Cromac
Aire de pique-nique - Dans le bourg Before settling down in the picnic area provided in this charming village, make sure you've got everything you need! And if not, the bakery is right n... Saint-Jouvent
Halieutique Passion Set in a quiet, peaceful 8-hectare site, Halieutique Passion comprises four ponds (including one for groups), each with different types of fishing and... Saint-Pardoux-le-Lac