La Ferme des Feuillardiers

  • Meat
  • Producer
11, Le Valois, 87230 Les Cars
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Églantine and Adrien raise around 20 Aubrac cows and 350 Merinos d'Arles ewes on their 85-hectare mixed farming farm. All the animals are fed on their own cereal and forage production. They offer you products from their farm, produced according to the rhythm of the seasons and with respect for nature and the environment, for direct sale at their farm by appointment. Packages of veal raised under the mother, sausages, minced meat. Whole or half lamb. Grilled meats. Etc. Their products can...
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Bienvenue à la FermeBienvenue à la Ferme
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La Ferme des Feuillardiers
11, Le Valois, 87230 Les Cars
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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  • French
  • In the country
  • A plus de 20 mn de la gare
  • Dans un parc naturel régional/national
  • Isolated
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