The Vézelay
All those who have approached Vézelay on foot, coming from the north, or who have left it at the pace of their steps, will forever remember it. This route extends the paths coming from the North, East, and from Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany. At the start, pilgrims can choose between the northern branch via Bourges and the southern branch via Nevers. Starting from the hill of Vézelay, passing through the Limousin countryside, you cross the Loire, then the Entre-deux-Mers, and the vast Landes forest to reach Saint-Palais. This is the site of the famous Gibraltar stele, a monument erected in 1964 that symbolizes the crossroads where the paths of Tours, Vézelay, and Le Puy-en-Velay meet. The “bonus”: for an even more enjoyable hike, don’t forget the Bergerac variant offered along the Vézelay route. It takes you through a path dotted with vineyards of the Bordeaux region.
The Vézelay route, also known as the Via Lemovicensis, starts from a highly symbolic site, the basilica containing the relics of Saint Mary Magdalene.